Building maintenance works


Building maintenance works

It is not enough to simply own an asset, it is highly important to maintain it.  When the maintenance aspect of a building is neglected, it has the potential to lead to degradation and decay. In the long run, it can have harmful effects and can even turn into a threat for the safety of the occupants. It is for reasons such as these that property owners turn to the experts offering assistance with building maintenance and management services.

At Starlight Security Services, we take pride in delivering our building maintenance services like tile repair, painting and polishing, glass installation/replacement for doors and windows, maintenance/polishing /replacement of doors and windows etc. and any other services with a strong belief in our motto of ‘prevention is better than cure’. We boast of a team of expert engineers with solid experience to their credit. With world-class preventative maintenance systems and programs in place, we are in the position to ensure that buildings are maintained with utmost care so that they experience minimum future disruption.

The services we offer have been designed to fulfill the needs of our clients, irrespective of whether you require a permanent on-site presence or even a one-time service. We have the ability to cover both planned preventative maintenance tasks along with responsive emergency covers. Over the years, we have developed a specialised team with an expertise in predictive maintenance and risk management solutions aimed at ensuring the best management of our clients’ assets.

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